Monday, August 9, 2010

GOOD NEWS: Tuition Lowered for RDASC ExCEL Programs!

We are ECSTATIC to announce that thanks to some recent restorative funding we've gotten, we are lowering the tuition for our Argonne, George Peabody, and Lafayette programs by HALF! Monthly tuition, set to begin in October, has now gone from $100 to only $50 per child, saving families a total of $400 per year. News about this and our scholarship allotments is to come out this week. Be sure to contact RDASC at 751.6600 if you have any questions.

We thank our tremendously supportive families for their patience and understanding in this difficult budgetary time. We also thank our San Francisco District Supervisor, Eric Mar, for his advocacy and help, without which this much-needed funding would not have been secured.

1 comment:

  1. I've just received your newsletter
    There's a little bit of confusion when i read it. My brother is attending Lafayette Elementary. But the letter was address to George Peabody Elementary and the hour and location has changed to Peabody as well. Please answer me through this email:
